"Buoyed by a huge advantage with independents and relative disinterest from Democratic voters in the state, Republican Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley 48-47.
Here are the major factors leading to this surprising state of affairs:
As was the case in the Gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia last year, it looks like the electorate in Massachusetts will be considerably more conservative than the one that showed up in 2008. Obama took the state by 26 points then, but those planning to vote next week only report having voted for him by 16.
Brown has eye popping numbers with independents, sporting a 70/16 favorability rating with them and holding a 63-31 lead in the horse race with Coakley. Health care may be hurting Democratic fortunes with that group, as only 27% of independents express support for Obama's plan with 59% opposed."
Gateway Pundit says the same is true for a new Boston Herald poll that will be released today.
Check out Professor Jacobson's site. He's been following this closely and spent yesterday at Brown HQ. The excitement is real and people are really angry at the proposed move to delay Brown's swearing in - should he win - in an effort to get ObamaCare passed before he takes office.
More on that from HillBuzz:
More on that from HillBuzz:
"Hear us now Harry Reid.
Mark our words Deval Patrick.
Listen up William Galvin.
Pay attention Martha Coakley.
Tremble at the thought Nancy Pelosi.
If you dare defy the will of the people of the state of Massachusetts and indeed, as threatened, block the seating of Senator Scott Brown should he win the special election on January 19th, in your suicidal and insane quest to ram your unconstitutional and bribe-riddled Healthcare Rationing bill through the United States Senate, WE THE PEOPLE in order to establish a more perfect union shall MARCH UPON WASHINGTON to setup an office for UNITED STATES SENATOR SCOTT BROWN on our own.
This is real grassroots democracy in action.
But Don Surber has a reminder and a warning.
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