Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How You Can Be A Fiscal Conservative While Supporting The Cost Of The Afghan War Effort And Opposing Healthcare "Reform"

(via Legal Insurrection): I really liked this post:

"The blog Dissenting Justice entitles a post: “Why Aren’t Self-Proclaimed Fiscal Conservatives Questioning Afghanistan Troop Surge?”

The author then questions why “fiscal conservatives” are fighting tooth and nail to defeat this monstrosity of a health care bill but seem fine with spending billions if not trillions on the war in Afghanistan. He apparently finds that to be a hypocritical and contradictory position.

Really? Well since he lists himself as a professor of Constitutional Law, Critical Race Theory, Law and Social Change, and Equal Protection Theory at the American University, Washington College of Law, I’ll ask him where in the Constitution he finds the authorization for entitlement programs such as health care? As for defense appropriations and war fighting, even I can find authorization for them in the Constitution.

A second point – wars end. Entitlements don’t. Which do you suppose will cost more in the next 20, 30 or 40 years? Afghanistan or health care “reform”? I think everyone knows that answer.

Those alone seem to me to be two very good reasons fiscal hawks are neither hypocritical or contradictory in their stance."  ~McQ

Short, sweet and to the point.

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