Tuesday, November 24, 2009

VDH: Why Liberals Are Unhappy With Obama's Asian Tour

Victor Davis Hanson  explores liberal anger over Obama' trip to China for his failure to, among other things, stand up for human rights. Hanson observes that they actually got exactly the Obama they voted for:

"Exceptional American support for human rights, preeminent worry about a nuclear Iran, democracy abroad, tilts to old friends like Britain and Israel, security guarantees to democratic allies, American enforcement of global commercial and trade protocols — all that was included under the old American notion of exceptionalism and, logically, should expire with it. The Asian tour should have delighted Obamaites as the proper expression of Obama's philosophy: two equal nations, neither one more exceptional than the other (or any other), their systems merely "different," not better or worse, simply chatting about mutual concerns."

Yes, that's right.  In Obama's worldview America is no better than any other country.  We have no right to criticize others when they act immorally - ooops, that's so judgmental and so like Bush!  Too bad, we could have been such a force of good in the world.

1 comment:

  1. "The Asian tour should have delighted Obamaites as the proper expression of Obama's philosophy: two equal nations, neither one more exceptional than the other (or any other), their systems merely "different," not better or worse, simply chatting about mutual concerns."

    Wow. I think VDH hit the nail on the head in that thought.
